Archive for May, 2019

With great power comes great responsibility

The Prime Minister is about start the second inning with a landslide victory. In his opening statement after the victory he quoted Uncle Ben/Spider man. It’s an amazing statement to make and has a lot of truth in it.

People in power have written history as they pleased. They had the responsibility to put down everything that happened if they really wanted to record history. But most of history is written by the powerful. They had the option of excluding what they wanted to. That’s why today many things that we read about history are in ‘other books’ and not history books. With great power comes great responsibility and people in power have the power to change things for better and not for worse.

Attrocities, discrimination, caste divide, class divide, apartheid – all these were initiated by people in power. People in power think they have the right to do anything. But they should know that they have the opportunity to disrupt and change the stereotype and make the world a better place.

May 24, 2019 at 3:05 pm Leave a comment

Goodbye Old Car

I sold my old car three days ago. I had bought it from a friend in 2015 and I made memories with it for over three years. I had to sell it off just because it was giving me trouble more than I could handle.

Nevertheless, this was my favourite car – an old Honda City but a sturdy one as Honda cars are. I made three out of the city rides in it and numerous memories. My daughter learnt driving in it, although she couldn’t complete. The large boot space really gave me a lot of room to keep my things. Picking up friends from the airport became easy as the car could take so much luggage.

It was an emotional transaction to give away that car. I have had two brand new cars before I got this used car, but this was my best experience. Hope to get another one soon!

May 8, 2019 at 9:42 pm 1 comment

Where have all the flowers gone!

This Pete Seeger song was the anthem during the Vietnam war that created a lot of ripple in the American society. It is a rhetoric that questions the validity of war. It was then.

When I was driving to work early today I saw two boys on the road going for a morning walk. Why did I remember this song is because they were holding mobile phones and they were on their own. Where is the camaraderie? Before the mobile phones took over our lives people were seen enjoying each other’s company. Friends walking together reminds me of my days before mobile phones. Activities such as kicking a stone all the way home, stopping to smell the flowers on the roadside, chasing paper being blown by the breeze carelessly. Such little things gave us immense happiness. Where have all the ‘flowers’ gone?

We may be living in the best time in terms of comfort but these little things are getting diminished. I want to end with the line from the Beatles song, Two of Us. “You and I have memories, longer than the road that stretches out ahead.”

May 6, 2019 at 2:11 pm Leave a comment


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